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Pain in my lower back!

Mar 22, 2024

Does your spine look like the picture on the left or does it look more like the one on the right?

As Exercise Physiologists, we often see all sorts of presentations of the spine and in this blog, we will be covering a condition known as ‘lordosis’. More specifically, we will be focusing on the lower or ‘lumbar’ aspect of the spine, which is where we see this condition commonly.

What is Lordosis?

Normally, the spine is naturally curved forward a little bit which helps with shock absorption and supports optimum posture but in lordosis there is an inward exaggeration of the spinal curve which can be felt on the outside as a deep dip in the lower back.

Who does it affect?

Simply put, anyone of any age group can develop lordosis and it is most seen in people who are pregnant, as a hereditary condition in children and adults with obesity or reduced bone density are at a higher risk of development of this condition.

What is the cause?

A common cause for lordosis includes poor posture as a result of weak core muscles and muscular imbalances which can be attributed to the modern-day lifestyle where we are sitting more than ever. Other causes include conditions such as osteoporosis, spondylolisthesis, kyphosis and as previously mentioned, obesity.

What are the symptoms?

An obvious symptom of lordosis is lower back pain. As you can see in the photos above, there is a higher risk of complication involving entrapment of a nerve when there is excessive spinal curvature leading to increased compression of the spinal vertebrae. Although sometimes lordosis can be asymptomatic and a person can go about their daily lives without too much of an issue, in more serious cases, those affected can potentially experience lumbar radiculopathy or sciatica, where there is compression of the exiting lumbar nerve roots and lead to symptoms which can be described as burning, tingling, radiating pain, paraesthesia and numbness in one or more uncommonly, both legs.

How is it treated by an Exercise Physiologist?

As they say, prevention is better than cure and to reduce the risk of potential future development of lordosis, maintenance of a healthy weight and engaging in core-strengthening exercises will assist with reducing the pressure placed on the spine as well as maintaining proper posture. However, if you are somebody who is already experiencing back pain as a result of lordosis, it is never too late to engage in physical therapy to improve pain-free range of movement, flexibility and mobility of the spine. Posture can also be improved significantly with strengthening of the appropriate musculature in the trunk, hips and lower limbs and addressing compensatory patterns that may have developed over time.

For example, when a person spends a significant amount of time in a seated position, the muscles in the lower or lumbar aspect of the back can become excessively tight from trying to support and stabilise the spine. Additionally, muscle groups such as the hamstrings, glutes and abdominals become weak and inhibited, contributing to poor biomechanics.

Physical therapy has been proven to be highly effective by taking a conservative approach to manage symptoms and improve function. With adherence to an appropriate rehabilitation programme an injured worker will have a higher chance of returning to work as well as a return to normal activities.

Chris Chen

Workers Compensation Specialist ‑ Innovation Team Leader (AEP, ESSAM)

Exercise Rehabilitation Services ‑ WA

10 May, 2024
“Failure is a bend in the road, not the end of the road. Learn from failure and keep moving forward.” Roy T. Bennett Hypothetically, if I asked you to move to the other side of the country, to a new landscape, new work environment, and to the unknown, what would your answer be? In August 2023, I answered “F**k, yes”, and I want to take you through a journey of learnings, maturity, and growth that only saying “yes” can get you. Fast forward to the 15 th of October 2023, after packing a sea container with belongings, selling my car, and booking a one-way flight to Brisbane, Queensland, I was set. With all the back-end tasks out of the way, I was taking off to what was about to become the most uncomfortable (and horrifying) period of my life. Different city, different lifestyle unfamiliar people, even more unfamiliar landscapes, more responsibility, more opportunities. These were the thoughts rushing through my head while on a one-way trip to my next chapter. And it didn’t take long before the wheels were turning, and I was finding my feet, well, only as quickly as one can after venturing into their uncomfortable. I was thrusted into a new and exciting work environment, with an opportunity to build brand and self-awareness in a new state and legislation. I very quickly realised that I was so far out of my comfort zone, that I wasn’t even sure what zone I was in anymore. “Where do I start? What do I do? Who do I speak to?” Are all rationale thoughts to have, and looking back now, I can safely say that I felt out of my depth, lost, and overwhelmed with the road ahead. Through the motion of failure, and my not so successful trials, I have become far more resilient, confident, mature, I have learnt not to fear rejection but embrace it, I have adopted a mindset where “no” is a conversation starter, not a finisher. Through all this my ability to treat clinically, build relationships, and produce positive outcomes has improved. The journey has been challenging, but so incredibly worth it. I am becoming more comfortable with the uncomfortable and I wouldn’t have changed a thing. Lachlan Simpson Workers Compensation Specialist (AEP, ESSAM) Exercise Rehabilitation Services ‑ QLD
By Alison Absolute Balance 24 Apr, 2024
The human body is designed to move in a three-dimensional plane divided into the following segments: Sagittal Plane: Cuts the body into left and right halves. Forward and backward movements. Frontal Plane: Cuts the body into front and back halves. Side to side movements. Transverse Plane: Cuts the body into top and bottom halves. Twisting/rotational movements. Too often we get caught training mostly in a sagittal plane, think running, squats, bicep curls etc. While these are all good exercises, in day-to-day life we don’t only move along a sagittal plane. What happens when you need to quickly get out of the way of the e-scooter flying towards you on the foot path or make a quick sidestep to avoid a pothole – these movements are along the frontal plane. While movements such as turning to check your blind spot while driving or turning to talk to the person next to us are in the transverse plane. When it comes to injury prevention and movement efficiency it is important to incorporate exercises from all planes of movement into training programs. Sagittal If a line ran down the middle of the body splitting it from left to right, movements parallel to this line are within the sagittal plane of movement. The sagittal plane is the most common plane of movement and is trained overwhelming more than the frontal and transverse planes of movement. Movements/exercises considered to be in the sagittal plane include running, squats, deadlifts and bicep curls. Now while all these exercises are good, with the way our lives having evolved into many desk sitting roles, driving from place to place etc, to then go to the gym and focus heavily on movements that are predominantly up – down, and forwards – backwards we can end up reinforcing these pathways and becoming somewhat robotic, heavily limiting our natural movements. Frontal If a line ran down the middle of the body splitting it into front and back, movements parallel to this line would be within the frontal plane of movement – essentially any movement that involves moving away from or towards the midline. Often neglected in strength programs, frontal plane exercises include Cossack squats, lateral lunges, and side raises. Transverse If a line split the body in half separating it into top and bottom with the pelvis being the point of division, any movement parallel to this line would be considered to be in the transverse plane of movement. Movement along/through a transverse plane is generally more rotational such as a Russian twist or trunk twist. By focussing largely on sagittal plane movements, we are risking developing muscle imbalances, limited mobility and uncoordinated movements in the neglected planes. Our body is designed to move on a 3-dimensional plane so make sure to train in a way that will allow it to move the way it’s supposed to. Katie McGrath Injury Prevention Specialist Injury Prevention Services
18 Apr, 2024
Stretching and mobility exercises are indispensable components of both injury prevention and recovery strategies. Incorporating dynamic stretches before physical activity can help prepare the body for movement by increasing blood flow to muscles and enhancing joint flexibility. This dynamic warm-up routine primes the muscles and connective tissues, reducing the risk of injury during subsequent activity. Furthermore, static stretches, performed after physical activity, helps alleviate muscle tension and improve flexibility, thereby minimizing the likelihood of strains and tears. In the realm of injury recovery, stretching and mobility exercises play a crucial role in rehabilitation protocols for individuals recuperating from various musculoskeletal injuries. Following an injury, muscles can become tight and weakened due to disuse or trauma. Gentle stretching exercises aid in maintaining or restoring flexibility, preventing muscle atrophy and contractures. Additionally, targeted mobility exercises assist in restoring range of motion and functional movement patterns, allowing individuals to gradually regain strength and flexibility while reducing the risk of re-injury. Moreover, stretching and mobility exercises promote tissue healing by improving circulation to the injured area. Increased blood flow delivers essential nutrients and oxygen to damaged tissues, facilitating the repair process and reducing inflammation. By incorporating a comprehensive stretching and mobility routine into their regimen, individuals not only safeguard themselves against future injuries but also expedite their recovery journey, enabling them to return to their activities with greater resilience and confidence. Mariah Adolphus Workers Compensation Specialist (AEP, ESSAM) Exercise Rehabilitation Services ‑ WA
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